Package For Family Business Succession Planning

What We Will Do For You:

A. Benchmark The Job:

Work with you and your team to create a key accountability profile of the job – what this job will say if it can talk. It is used as a benchmark to evaluate the successor you intend to groom for this job.

B. Create Profile Of You and Your Successor:

Conduct a talent assessment for both of you. It will help discover very important truths that will set the path to success.

C. Provide a Management Staff Coaching Plan:

This report provides a comparison between the job and the person and identifies the areas that need development so that you and the successor know exactly what to work on and when.

Optional – Coaching For The First 3 Months:

As an option, you can engage us to help coach the successor for the first three months to ensure progress in the plan and to set the plan into motion.


No Coaching: S$3,800
Add Coaching: + S$2,400

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